Thursday, July 22, 2010

Casual Industrees X EVO @ VitaminWater Social Club

Thursday night we hit the town and threw an event with EVO at VitaminWater Social Club (aka Soul Repair) on Capital Hill.  VitaminWater provided the prime location, as well as liquid refreshments (both adult and non-) by the gallons.  EVO came to party, promote, and play their skate team video all while we were printing exclusive Casual & EVO collab t's for the night (lucky first 10 were free!). It went off with a bang. The SkullCandy wagon even showed up to toss free headphones and cause a traffic jam.  Let's just say a  crowd of skater groms were hyped that day on free exclusive t's, skate videos and all the VitaminWater they could drink.   Us 'Adults' were hyped on free beer, weird.  Here's the photos....

The focused group of the crowd

More pumped fans
Gino, live in action

They had sweet tables.  Also the source of all those cords...recycle!

Molly from EVO

Crazy electrical cord art

The setup. pre-groms
 The zone. pre-groms

 Free stuff!!    -The End